πŸ“™General Info

Full overview of $BUTTZ as utility token

What is $BUTTZ?

$Buttz is an SPL token distributed to work as utility token on the Sol Buttz ecosystem. The digital asset runs on Solana blockchain, ensuring very low fee and super-fast transactions.

Type: SPL Token on Solana Blockchain Ticker: $BUTTZ Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000 $BUTTZ (mint authority disabled) Token contract: https://solscan.io/token/ButtzRVXEyHU8oxQmrUEpcTyE7qR9zGtyr43AVkYnuKK Current supply: 78,141,815,559,239.42 $BUTTZ You can send and receive $BUTTZ from desktop and mobile through different Solana wallets. We suggest to pick one of those: Phantom, Solflare, Sollet

$BUTTZ Utilities

Built to rule and empower the whole Sol Buttz ecosystem, and successfully integrated in other platform, the token will be mainly used for:

  • Airdrops and contests for distribution purpose

  • Rewards from SOL BUTTZ NFT staking

  • DAO Membership: Access to dedicated and private DAO community channels

  • Rewards from yield farming on Raydium DEX pool

  • Mint of future NFT collections

  • Buying official merchandising Additional future utilities will be integrated in the roadmap in parallel to the ecosystem expansion.

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